
Courses in YSMU

General Medicine

Specialty 060101 (31.05.01)

General Medicine Faculty is the most powerful faculty of the university; it has been opened in 1944. Each year approximately 300-340 applicants get admission to the faculty. The educational process is provided by 49 departments. The faculty includes 60 professors, 15 Honorary Medical Doctors of Russian Federation, 4 Honorary Scientists of Russian Federation, 25 members of Russian and foreign public academies; more than 85% instructors and lecturers have scienti fi c degrees of candidate or doctor of sciences. Medical clinical basis of faculty consists of more than 6000 clinical patient beds; these beds are distributed in the multi-pro fi le and specialized clinics, hospitals and divisions. The faculty is known by outstanding achievements of its members in the fi elds of science and medical practice ( fi rst of all, in the angiology, rheumatology, otorhinolaryngology, ophthalmology, psychiatry, neurology, history of medicine, pedagogics and psychology). Over the years of faculty work, the faculty prepared more than 20000 of medical doctors. Since year 2013, as a part of faculty it was founded the division of fundamental medical, social, and psychological education, this division provides the education of specialists in the areas of medical biochemistry, clinical psychology, and bachelors in the area of social work.

Medical Biochemistry

Specialty 060601 (30.05.01)

Education in this area is providing only in a few medical highest educational organizations of Russia. After 6 years of study, alumni will obtain both quali fi cation of specialist and specialization of doctor. After that, they may study at residency courses on genetics, clinical laboratory diagnostics, and forensic medicine expertise.

Clinical Psychology

Specialty 030401 (37.05.01)

This is dynamically developing and highly demanded by healthcare system specialty. The university provides education in two specialization branches, these are: Patho-psychological diagnostics and therapy; Clinical-Psychological aid to family and children.

Social Work

Educational DIrection 040400 (39.03.02)

Bachelor education in the area of social work is aimed to prepare specialists in the fi elds of social-technological, organizationadministration management, research and social-project professional activity for organization of social sphere and healthcare system. The main property of education is it tight connection with main university pro fi le.


Specialty 060103 (31.05.02)

Pediatric Faculty was opened in the year 1970. Each year, approximately 150-160 students are admitted to this faculty. The educational process is provided by specialists from 43 departments including 7 profi led specialized departments. More than 75% of instructors and lecturers of the faculty are candidates and doctors of sciences. Among faculty members there are 7 Honorary Medical Doctors, 3 Honorary Workers of Science, 10 Honorary Workers of Highest Education, Honorary Workers of Healthcare system, Honorary Workers of Culture, Horary Workers of Physical Training and Sport of Russian Federation. The clinical bases of the faculty include 1200 clinical patient beds; these are located in multi-profi le and specialized pediatric clinics of Yaroslavl. Faculty offi cials are widely known by their scientifi c and practical achievements in different areas of pediatric medicine (fi rst of all, in pediatric pulmonology, pediatric cardiology and pediatric surgery). For the entire period of faculty activity, the faculty has provided education for more than 6 thousands of students who became high-quality pediatric doctors.


Specialty 060301 (33.05.01)

Pharmacy Faculty has been opened in 1982. Now more than 500 persons are getting their education on 20 departments of the faculty, including 3 specialized profi le departments. More than 82% of faculty instructors and lecturers have scientifi c degrees and titles. Many pharmacy organizations of Yaroslavl, Vologda, Kostroma, Ivanovo, Vladimir and Moscow serve as bases for education and production practice of students. In 2009 in the center of mastering of practical skills, it was opened the model of pharmacy store that has pharmacy furniture and equipment in order to allow the imitation of real conditions of pharmacy store functioning to help the students in obtaining their knowledge and competences. It is necessary to note, that faculty members, lecturers, and instructors are known by their achievements in various fi elds of pharmacy (like pharmacological and pharmacognosy studies of medical plants, pharmaceutical chemistry, management and economics of pharmacy). Because of development of pharmaceutical cluster on the territory of Yaroslavl region, the faculty has strong and developing collaboration with manufacturers of medical drugs. These companies of pharmacy industry are organizing tours, practices, traineeships for the students of faculty. Each year the students are successfully obtaining competition-based stipends from such pharmacy industry leaders like R-Pharm and Nycomed companies. For the entire period of faculty activity, the faculty has provided education for more than 3000 of students who became high-quality pharmacists, including more than 200 foreign students.


Specialty 060201 (31.05.03)

Stomatology faculty was initially founded in year 1966 and provided two tours of outputs of stomatology specialists. After interruption, in 2010 the faculty re-started its regular work. The period of education is 5 years. More than 70% of faculty instructors and lecturers have scientifi c degrees and titles. Now 125 students are getting their education. More than 40 departments are involved in the education of faculty students. Technical basis of faculty is continuously improved, and education of specialists is in parallel with scientifi c-research work. From year 2012 for the purpose of education in the area of orthopedic stomatology, it was founded educational tooth-technical laboratory which is equipped now by modern apparatuses and furniture. In the center of mastering of practical skills of the university there is available modern good equipped phantom class with six stomatology setups. We successfully realized the project of academic stomatology polyclinics for the purpose of widening of faculty possibilities. Stomatology departments have modern upto-date educational bases (stomatology division of regional clinical hospital, regional stomatology polyclinics). There is a tendency for increase of educational areas as a result of university collaboration with various stomatology policlinics of Yaroslavl. Moreover, not only Yaroslavl stomatology polyclinics but policlinics from adjacent cities (as well as not only budget, but private stomatology organizations as well) provide their facilities for the practice and training of students of the faculty. From year 2013, the faculty actively develops distant types of education, and we are continuously implementing modern educational methods for nowday and further needs.

Laboratory Diagnostic

Specialty 060604 (31.02.03)

Pre-Educational Faculty was launched in year 1993 on the basis of preparatory division as a kind of fi rst & initial chain of singular technological line in education of qualifi ed medical doctor: Pre-Educational Faculty – Student Faculties – Post-Diploma Education. Initially aforementioned faculty included several existed and newly founded structural subdivisions. In 2007, the faculty was converted into the division; later in 2012 this division was expanded into the Faculty of Middle-Range Professional Education and Pre-Educational Study. The faculty is guiding the process of education on 17 interfaculty departments, and now it has all necessary tools for successful practice in the area of pharmaceutical chemistry, pharmacognosy, clinical laboratory diagnostics, as well as the faculty is providing all the necessary facilities for practical classes on profi le subjects and disciplines. The faculty is also involved in preparatory education of foreign citizens on Pre-Educational Division (Russian language, biology, chemistry, mathematics, physics). The faculty facilitates the education of potential applicants for admission to highest educational organizations of chemicalbiological type. There is available medical-biological school founded in year 1967

Institute Of Post Diploma Education

In year 2011, on the basis of working at that time Faculty of Post-Diploma Education it was founded the Institute of Post-Diploma Education. The structure of this institute consists of: Faculty of Post-Diploma Professional Education and Education of Personnel of Highest Qualifi cation, this faculty is managing the education of interns (on 27 licensed specialties) and attendees of residency courses (on 42 licensed specialties). During the educational year approximately 800 interns and residency course attendees are getting their education at 29 departments of the university. The university already opened multi-profi le centers of post-diploma education in other cities like Vologda, Kostroma, and Sergiev-Posad. In these centers, clinical interns and medical doctors are able to pass their practice improvement and increase their professional qualifi cation. Faculty of Additional Professional Education has 3 profi le departments and may suggest 10 different courses, where medical doctors and pharmacists can enhance their qualifi cation or they can obtain professional retraining there. During each educational year, the faculty organizes 110-140 cycles of general qualifi cation improvement and professional retraining. The faculty also involved in the organization of certifi cation classes in the way of out-of- university -walls in the cities of Central, Northern-Western, Southern and Near-Volga districts of Russian Federation. Vice-Rector for Medical Work and Post-Diploma Educati on, Candidate of Medical Sciences, Professor V.I. GOROKHOV Dean of Faculty of Additi onal Professional Educati on, Candidate of Medical Sciences, Associated Professor P.S. ZHBANNIKOV Dean of Faculty of Post-Diploma Professional Educati on and Educati on of Personnel of Highest Qualifi cati on, Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor M.V. ILYIN I N S T I T U T E O F P O S T - D I P L O M A E D U C A T I O N For the entire period of 39 years, more than 7000 instructors and lecturers of middle-range and highest medical educational organization have obtained their education at the faculty and institute and improved their professional knowledge and qualifi cation. From year 2007, the faculty opened an additional professional education program entitled: «The instructor of highest educational school». Since that time, 85 instructors of the university have successfully passed their education and obtained their diploma by means of that program. More than 48000 of medical doctors, pharmacists, and instructors of middle-range and highest medical educational organization have got their education on different courses of qualifi cation improvement and professional retraining. The university traditionally relays on collaboration with organizations of practical healthcare & pharmacy and provides additional programs on professional inspection and clinical examination of children. In the context of realization of National priority project «Health», more than 100 specialists of primary chain of healthcare system passed their education in 2006-2012. Members of clinical departments of the university provide medical and consultation help to people on a daily basis, using high-technology medical and diagnostic equipment. These members of clinical departments also work as main part-time specialists of Department of Healthcare & Pharmacy of Yaroslavl region. As a result, the medical doctors of the university are making signifi cant contribution in maintaining of healthcare system of both Yaroslavl region and adjacent regions of Russia, being involved in execution of large amount of medical-diagnostic help in the leading healthcare system organizations.
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