About Us

General Information About Yaroslavl State Medical University

Yaroslavl State Medical University (YSMU) was founded in 1944. And now it has a rich history. At present, YSMU is the big regional center of excellent quality medical education and bio-medical research. It is also the leader in medical training and post-graduation education, retraining of specialists of practical healthcare, medicine, pharmacy, and high skilled academic staff for the central regions of Russia.

New strategical university aim for now is the transformation into a leader of international educational medical center of the Yaroslavl region and even above. As a result, YSMU widely opens the doors and invite foreign students and specialist for their education here in order to increase the impact of classical Russian medical education worldwide. From this perspective, any foreign international student is of great importance for us and we invite to start or proceed your medical education here. Our vision is that together we should build the bridges but not the walls to disseminate solid educational background with respect to international medical sciences.

There are several faculties in YSMU, among most important are:

  • GeneralMedicineFaculty,
  • Pediatric Faculty,
  • Pharmacy Faculty,
  • Stomatology Faculty,
  • Faculty of Clinical Psychology and Social Work,
  • Faculty of Preparation of Highest Qualification Personnel.

At present approximately 4000 students are studying at YSMU (including foreign students). Medical training and education are conducted by 55 departments that have all the necessary equipment to provide high quality education according to available Russian and international modern standards. At YSMU, there are prepared highly qualified specialists of all local hospitals and medical institutions and professionals from other regions of Russia.

Today the staff of YSMU includes approximately 1000 employees. The academic staff of YSMU consists of more than 500 persons (instructors). Among them 400 persons have the M.D. & Ph.D. titles (candidates of sciences, assistant and associate professors) there are more than 100 doctors of sciences and full professors. Many of them are members of different Russian and foreign international societies and are well-known scientists and clinicians not only in Russia but all over the world.

Modern informational technologies are actively developing in YSMU. These resources are opened both for students and for faculty members, as well as there are special courses for those who wish to extend and improve their qualification in modern informational technologies. Education is also conducted using unique university electronic education and information environment that allows to implement innovative distant educational technologies that are accessible virtually anywhere. There is a big library in YSMU with two reading halls and facilities that are equipped in terms of use of data bases and Internet resources.

YSMU have good social facilities and structure (including four hostels, sport centers, student healthcare center, Volga River summer camp, and the garden of medical plants).

Education of foreign students both on governmental (budget) and individual (contract) basis was started in YSMU since 1992, now YSMU has more than twenty-eight-year unique experience in this area. Several international programs are available for foreign students. It is important that all programs are strictly adhere to the Federal and State Educational Standards of Russian Federation, and are based on deep routed traditions of qualified Russian education.

Now many foreign students are getting their education at YSMU. They represent approximately 30 countries (including but not limited to the citizens from Syria, Palestine, Jordan, Morocco, Greece, Tunis, Namibia, Kenya, Zambia, India, etc.).

Therefore, YSMU is a big and well-known educational, research and scientific center in the fields of fundamental sciences, clinical medicine and pharmacy. YSMU is recognized by WHO World Directory of Medical Schools. Professionals in Yaroslavl State Medical University are supporting new progressive methods and activities, and keep their reach traditions in the area of qualified education and scientific research at the same time.


Yaroslavl is situated in 280 km (or 175 miles) northern-western from Moscow, the capital city of Russia. It is possible to get to Yaroslavl by car, by bus, by train and by airplane (in example, it takes usually 4 hours to get from Moscow to Yaroslavl by bus or train). Yaroslavl was found more than 1000 years ago. Yaroslavl population is about 600,000. People with different confessions and religions (Catholicism, Protestantism, Christianity, Islam and others) are living here, so everyone could find their churches and chapels in our city. The weather and the climate in Yaroslavl are not differed much from Moscow. Averaged temperature in summer is +28ºC (83ºF), in winter averaged temperature is -15ºC (5ºF).

Yaroslavl is a big cultural center of Russia. Many tourist routes lay through Yaroslavl. There are many cultural sites in Yaroslavl, these are: museums, theatres, movie theatres, parks, Volga embankment. You can find here many places of interest: restaurants, cafes, sport complexes, swimming pools, fitness centers, and many other places to have the good rest and relaxation. It is commonly accepted that Yaroslavl is the most beautiful city on the Volga River, and that is why it belongs to the complex of most ancient and beautiful cities (also known as Golden Ring of Russia).

Scientific Work And Research Activity

The university is a large center of medical and biological sciences where on the modern levels there are conducted many studies in several priority areas of fundamental and clinical medicine (Rheumatism; Rheumatic disturbances & systemic vascular diseases; Vascular surgery & urgent surgery; Neurobiology & neuroscience; Principles of cellular, tissue and organ structure & functions in normal and pathological states; Healthcare of mother and child; Pharmacological & pharmacognostical studies of drugs and medical plants; Ecology and population healthcare, etc.). There are many signifi cant famous scientifi c schools and leaders in the university that are well-known not only in Russia but all over the world. Education of scientifi c-pedagogic specialists of highest qualifi cation is conducting in Post-Graduate Courses on 30 licensed specialties. For the entire period of 1944-2014 years, in the university there were prepared more than 200 doctor of sciences and more than 1000 candidates of sciences. In the university many scientifi c events are taking place, these are: international, republican, regional scientifi c meetings, conferences, symposia, workshops, and Internet-based sessions. As a result of this, many studies have adequate literature outcome in the conference proceedings, books, local and international peer-reviewed leading scientifi c journals. Instructors and lecturers of the university actively participate in the developing of modern pharmaceutical cluster factories and innovative medicine of Yaroslavl region. There are several scientifi ceducational centers (Russian endoscopic center, center for thrombosis and autoimmune disturbance studies, center for high technology ultrasound diagnostics, center for neurobiological studies, center of demyelination disturbances, center for clinical-pharmacological studies, center of refraction laser eye surgery). These centers form the basis for scientifi c innovation complex of the university that helps to provide scientifi c studies, education of scientifi c personnel, and invention of innovation scientifi c-educational programs at the university. From year 1947, Student Scientifi c Society is actively developing at the university. Students of all faculties are involved in the scientifi c and research work at the departments of the university. About 500 students are participating in this activity each year. It is a deep-rooted tradition for past decades to organize yearly student scientifi c conferences in the university where students and young scientist of the university may present results of their scientifi c studies and publish them in the conference proceeding book. As a result many students of the university have won prestigious awards, prizes and diploma for their scientifi c work

Innovation Education Technology

The main property of modern educational activity of the university is the full-scale invention of innovation educational technologies that allows optimization of organizational & contentcontextual constituents of educational process. There are invented into the daily practice of education active, interactive forms of education, simulation educational technologies; these help to obtain and improve medical manipulation technique skills using simulators and phantoms. We have accumulated the positive experience of practice of distant education courses and distant control of student knowledge (by means of eFront distant education system applications). Using all of that, the students obtain unique possibilities to study theoretical material on different topics, to pass training testing, to perform individual assignments, and to participate in discussions of educational content in various forums. One of priority direction of our university development is strengthening of international cooperation with respect to scienti fi c research activity. Now the university has signed several mutual protocols and agreements about scienti fi c cooperation with Medical University of Kanazawa (Japan), medical faculty of Florence University (Italy), with leading universities of Commonwealth of Independent States (Belarus, Kazakhstan, Ukraine, Pridnestrovian Moldavian Republic). For the period of 5 years, more than 450 medical specialists (doctors and nurses) have passed their education in the Russian scienti fi c-education endoscopic center of our university under the guidance of leading experts from Japan, Italy, and from European Endoscopic Society. The instructors and lecturers of the university are actively participating in international multi-center clinical studies (phases I-III) of medical drugs and compounds that are managed by leading international pharmaceutical companies (e.g., Takeda Nycomed AS, Teva Pharmaceutical Industries, Novartis, Physer, etc.). University personnel also involved in international scienti fi c studies in the area of molecular immunology and immunegenetics with manufacturers of diagnostic test systems & laboratory equipment like Euroimmun AG, Medipan GMBH (Germany).

International Cooperation

There is a tradition to organize in the walls of the university on a yearly basis different international scienti fi c meetings and events. Signi fi cant amount of most active scientists of the university and even students participate in international foreign scienti fi c conferences, workshops, symposia, etc. The results of scienti fi c research are published as scienti fi c books, journal articles including but not limited to commonly recognized publisher groups like Elsevier B.V. & Springer. In addition, substantial amount of aforementioned scienti fi c books and papers are indexed in international publication databases like Web of Science, Scopus, PubMed, Chemical Abstracts, etc. Recently the new network electronic scienti fi c journal “Medical psychology in Russia” was launched by university offi cials, and many scientists from different countries (e.g., Belarus, Kazakhstan, Kirgizstan, Azerbaijan, Latvia, Germany, Hungary, USA) serves as members of editorial board of this journal.

Out of Bounds of Education and Science

For several past decades, some specifi c glorious traditions has been deeply consolidated in the life of the university, these are: the ceremonial evenings of fi rst-time attendants and alumni, festivals of amateur art activity, performances of student theater of miniatures, intellectual public games, and the performances of amateur song club. In the past years, most popular are some new projects, these are: Pushkin’s Dance Ball, Days of National Cultures, Guitar Music Evening, Poetic Evenings, All-together Meetingss like «Zeleneterapia» and «Pokatushki», exhibitions of paintings & art photos, and many other important and notable events.

Healthy Way Of Life Guaranties Successful And Harmonic Personal Development

An essential part of life of many students is their sport and healthcare activity (various sport events, internal and external sport contests, competitions, sport and athletic meetings). During the long university history, its leaders and offi cials are actively supporting this sport activity, developing the work of sport sections and sport societies and helping them. Among academic instructors, lecturers and students there are a lot of holders of Master of Sport title, prize-winners of different by their level sport competitions, and simply supporters of active, sportive, and healthy way of life. Names of many athlete-medics form the glorious pages of sport chronicles of Yaroslavl. For the purpose of harmonic physical development of students and staff-members, the university has modern sport-training educational building and appropriate facilities. Many sport sections are working there. Aforementioned building is also the good place for internal and external sport and athletic competitions. It is the tradition to organize such sport and athletic meeting-competitions between the university staff-members and the students, Day of Health, Open Competition in chess, arm-wrestling, minifootball, etc. In year 2014, it was launched the new project: Festival «I am choosing to be ready for labor and defense».


Mission of the University is to provide modern high-quality medical, pharmaceutical, psychological, and social education; to perform fundamental and applied scientifi c studies that promote development of medicine, pharmacy, education and that are aimed to preserve human population health and to improve life quality of the society
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